Community & Civic Engagement

Blank Rome, our attorneys, and our business professionals are committed to supporting professional, civic, legal, and community organizations in the communities where we work and live.

Our firm has a 75-year legacy of supporting exemplary nonprofit organizations of all sizes, local to international. Our support is provided in a variety of ways, with some nonprofit organizations supported by attorneys and business professionals who volunteer time or pro bono legal services, and others supported through monetary and in-kind donations. We often partner with our clients in support of causes that are of mutual interest.

We encourage our attorneys and business professionals to proactively support nonprofit organizations that are personally meaningful and benefit the legal profession, industries supported by the firm’s work, society in general, and local communities. As a result, we estimate that in the past year, the firm, our attorneys, and our staff have worked with more than 2,500 nonprofit organizations throughout the country including social organizations, trade associations, scholastic groups, food banks and other food insecurity-related organizations, and legal organizations.

To learn more about Blank Rome's commitment to community and civic engagement, please contact Kate Tavella at or 215.98.6988.

See also:
•    Charitable Contributions 
•    Pro Bono Service