Pipeline Programs

Blank Rome Pipeline Scholars Program

“One the best experiences I had as a participant in Blank Rome’s 2021 Pipeline Scholars Program was learning more about trial work and seeing how quickly things change in litigation firsthand.”
Asia Livingstone, 2021 and 2022 Blank Rome Pipeline Scholar

In 2006, as part of the firm’s steadfast commitment to the advancement of diverse professionals within the legal community at large, we established the Blank Rome Pipeline Scholars Program (“Blank Rome Scholars” or “BR Scholars” Program) designed to identify and recruit individuals who have overcome challenges in life that distinguish them from their peers and who, through their life experiences, have demonstrated the character to have a successful career in law. Our goal is to identify and attract high-performing summer associate candidates from diverse backgrounds ultimately to join our firm upon completion of law school.

What sets us apart?

  • A welcome retreat to meet Scholars across offices
  • Client engagement opportunities
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Pro bono projects
  • Exclusive programming

Blank Rome has two pipeline scholarship programs: Our 1L Blank Rome Scholars Program and our 2L Blank Rome Scholars Program.

Pipeline scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic achievement, demonstrated leadership, community service, work experience, and commitment to the practice of law. Each Blank Rome Scholar is awarded a full-salaried position in the firm’s Summer Associate Program and a $25,000 scholarship, which will be paid in two installments: 1) $12,500 for the Scholar’s second-year tuition and expenses, provided the student receives and accepts an offer to join the Summer Program on a full-time basis for the summer following the 2L year; and 2) another $12,500 toward the Scholar’s third-year tuition and expenses, provided the student receives and accepts an offer to return to Blank Rome as a full-time associate after graduation. 

During the Summer Associate Program, each Scholar will be teamed up with a Blank Rome partner and an associate, who serve as mentors for the duration of the program and beyond.

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We are no longer accepting applications for our 2025 1L Blank Rome Scholars Program.

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Philadelphia Diversity Law Group Program

We belong to the Philadelphia Diversity Law Group (the “PDLG”), which is committed to increasing the number of attorneys of diverse backgrounds working at law firms and corporate law departments in the Greater Philadelphia region to make the legal profession stronger, more productive, and better equipped to meet the challenges of the 21st century. We actively participate in PLDG programs and initiatives, including its Fellows Program, the goal of which is to increase the number of lawyers of diverse backgrounds working at Philadelphia-area law firms and corporate law departments. As a participating law firm, we commit to hire as a summer associate a first-year law student who has been identified by PDLG as someone who has overcome significant obstacles in pursuing a legal career, comes from a disadvantaged background or from a background that is underrepresented in the Philadelphia legal community, and who has demonstrated the ability to succeed in a Big Law summer program.

Houston Bar Association Community in Schools Program

The Houston Bar Association partners with Communities in Schools Houston on the Summer Legal Internship Program, providing high school students with internships and employment opportunities at Houston-area law firms, corporate legal departments, and public legal institutions. Blank Rome’s Houston office is proud to serve as one of the hiring employers. Communities in Schools is a national organization that ensures every student, regardless of race, gender, ability, zip code, or socioeconomic background, has what they need to realize their full potential in school and beyond.