Tariffs, Trade Remedies & Trade Negotiation


Blank Rome’s International Trade group advises governments, corporations, industry associations, and export banks in a wide range of trade and investment issues.

Our Tariffs, Trade Remedies & Trade Negotiation team is known for its robust track record in assisting clients when governments consider imposing tariffs. We regularly represent our clients before government agencies to achieve the optimum results for our clients’ interests. When these results cannot be achieved through advocacy and negotiations, we also represent our clients in trade remedy proceedings and appeals of government measures before U.S. courts, litigation before the World Trade Organization, litigation under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (and, previously, the North America Free Trade Agreement). We also assist our clients with advice on trade policy and negotiations.

In order to provide comprehensive services to our clients, we work closely with other highly regarded groups within Blank Rome, including our Corporate, Government Contracts, Maritime, Intellectual Property & Technology, and White Collar Defense & Investigations teams.

How We Can Help

Tariffs and Trade Remedies

The team regularly assists clients minimize the impact of threatened tariffs. This involves counseling clients on the business and legal steps they can take. It also involves advocacy before government agencies, up to and including trade remedy cases of global significance. For example, on behalf of the Government of Canada we have led for over 25 years on the highly publicized softwood lumber U.S. dispute, which currently involves more than 15 separate antidumping, countervailing duty, and injury proceedings.

Drawing on our in-depth knowledge of U.S. laws and regulations, as well as our credibility with U.S. government agencies and within the trade bar, we have helped our clients achieve excellent results even in difficult situations. We have a successful track record representing foreign producers, governments, industry associations, and U.S. importers when the U.S. investigates the possibility of remedial tariffs. We also have an excellent record advising clients involved in trade remedy investigations conducted in foreign jurisdictions, such as Mexico and Brazil.

Trade Litigation before the WTO and Dispute Settlement Panels in Free Trade Agreements

Members of our team have appeared on behalf of governments, including the Government of Canada, the Government of Indonesia, the Government of Chile, and the Government of Mexico, at every stage of the World Trade Organization (“WTO”) dispute settlement process, from consultations, to panel and Appellate Body proceedings, Article 21.5 compliance proceedings under the Dispute Settlement Understanding (“DSU”), and in DSU Article 22.3 and 22.6 arbitrations. We have also provided advice with respect to the WTO-consistency of actions (such as export restrictions, tax regimes that discriminate in favor of domestic production, and industrial policies) by certain WTO Members.

The disputes we have handled span the range of WTO disciplines, including market access for, and non-discriminatory treatment of, goods under Articles I, III, and XI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (“GATT”); agricultural measures under the Agreement on Agriculture; trade in services under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (“GATS”); antidumping measures under the Anti-Dumping Agreement; countervailing duty measures under the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (“SCM”); and prohibited and actionable subsidies under the SCM Agreement.

We have also advised litigants in the context of dispute settlement panels under regional trade agreements such as the United States-Canada-Mexico Agreement (“USCMA”) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (“NAFTA”).

Our team is well positioned to offer support in any of these areas, having sat at the table before WTO panels and the Appellate Body as external counsel to our government clients, led dispute settlement teams while in government, served as USCMA/NAFTA panelists, and assisted panelists as part of the WTO Secretariat.

Trade Negotiations & Trade Policy

Our team members have been directly involved in negotiating and advising governments on multiple Free Trade Agreements (“FTAs”), including regarding all chapters in “multilateral” FTAs such as the USCMA and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (“CPTPP”), as well as in “bilateral” FTAs such as UK-Canada, UK-Mexico, UK-India, and UK-GCC (“Gulf Cooperation Council”). One of our team members served as Canada’s assistant principal counsel for the NAFTA negotiations and has a thorough understanding of the rules and obligations that are contained in most current FTAs. As important as our familiarity with the content of FTA chapters is our understanding, born of decades of negotiating and advisory experience, of:

  • the design and architecture of FTAs as a whole and the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches under those FTAs;
  • the interplay among the different chapters; and
  • how each chapter may relate to a party's rights and obligations under the WTO Agreement, other FTAs, or other international instruments such as environmental or taxation agreements.

This enables us to advise on all obligations under current FTAs and to devise strategies to address legislation and regulations that countries have in place, or intend to introduce, that violate these FTAs.


Trade Remedies Experience:

We are especially proud of our successful efforts in opposing U.S. antidumping and countervailing duties on: Sugar from Mexico; Fabricated Structural Steel from Canada, China, and Mexico; Softwood Lumber from Canada; Uncoated Groundwood Paper from Canada; Supercalendered Paper from Canada; Utility Scale Wind Towers from Canada, Indonesia, Korea, and Vietnam; Lightweight Thermal Paper From China, Germany, and Korea; Live Swine from Canada; Live Cattle from Canada; and Durum and Hard Red Spring Wheat from Canada.

Abroad, we have:

  • Obtained a finding of absence of causation in a Mexican antidumping investigation against imports of apples from the United States.
  • Played a key role in obtaining a finding of absence of causation in a Brazilian antidumping investigation against imports of caustic soda from the United States.
  • Assisted Colombian producers in obtaining a countervailing duty on imports of ethanol from the United States.
  • Assisted a multiplicity of Mexican producers in obtaining antidumping duties on imports of products from China, including seamless steel pipe.

Trade Litigation Experience:

  • Represent and assist Canada in the Lumber V dispute, including appeals to WTO, NAFTA, and USCMA panels of the Department of Commerce’s findings of subsidization and dumping regarding Canadian softwood lumber and the ITC’s findings of material injury.
  • Represented Canada in multiple successful challenges to U.S. findings of subsidies, dumping, and injury regarding Canadian softwood lumber in Lumber IV both domestically and at the WTO.
  • Assisted Canada in multiple compliance proceedings under Article 21.5 of the DSU, challenging the non-compliance by the United States of the WTO Panel and Appellate Body decisions on subsidies, dumping, and injury in respect of Canadian softwood lumber.
  • Represented Canada regarding the U.S. complaint against Canadian dairy export practices.
  • Represented Canada in a series of disputes that spanned close to five years concerning whether Canada and Brazil were providing subsidies to their regional aircraft industries.
  • Provided advice regarding a potential WTO case involving biodiesel.
  • Advised a major U.S. agricultural association on potential violations of the WTO Agriculture Agreement by another WTO member.
  • Represented a litigant in Thailand-H Beams.
  • Advised a litigant in a WTO panel challenging the subsidization of competing aircraft from another WTO member.
  • Advised a litigant in the WTO panel on Thailand-Sugar Subsidies.
  • Provided advice in the context of the WTO dispute on EU-Price Comparison Methodologies.
  • Advised a litigant in WTO consultations challenging China’s subsidies to its apparel and textile industry.
  • Provided advice in the context of the WTO dispute on China-GOES.
  • Provided advice in the context of the WTO dispute on United States-Antidumping and Countervailing Duties (China).
  • Represented a third party in US-Large Civil Aircraft.
  • Represented a third party in EC-Large Civil Aircraft.
  • Represented a litigant in the appeal of the 21.5 panel report in Chile-Price Bands.
  • Provided advice in the context of the WTO dispute on US-DRAMS.
  • Provided advice in the context of the WTO dispute on EC-DRAMS.
  • Provided advice in the context of the WTO dispute on US-Cement.
  • Provided advice in the context of the WTO dispute on Mexico-Rice.
  • Advised litigants in the NAFTA panels challenging Mexican antidumping duties on imports of Ethylene Gylcol Monobutyl Ether (“EBMEG”) from the United States and Ammonium Sulfate from the United States.

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